A day after the Rajya Sabha introduced a new military-style uniform for the Marshalls, Chairman Venkaiah Naidu on Tuesday told Chairman Venkaiah Naibi that the Security Secretary would be prepared by both politicians and retired military officials in light of these issues.
The first day of the winter session,
two marshals, who stand next to the chair, wear military-style uniforms. An
ambassador accompanied by her former white bodhla, India, in a navy blue
uniform with stars on the side, a military garbage strip and a gold bullet on
one side.
" Venkaiah
Naidu" has said that after considering the various suggestions of
different House members, Rajya Sabha has gone out with a new dress code for the
Secretariat Marshal. "We have received some observations by some
politicians and good people. So before I get the slogan by the opposition party
members I said that the RD planetarium has decided to review the issue and make
a decision."
The case was first raised in
Parliament with MPA Jagir Ramesh, who imposed martial law on NAPO. Vice
President Wanakha-Nadu, who was in the chair, however, denied the objection and
said, "Do not raise unusual questions at any important time."
In those days, former army chief Ved
Malik took to social media to protest the new uniforms of the Provincial
Assembly, and called it "illegal and security threats." Vice President
Venkaiah Naidu and Rajendra Singh's tagging on tagging, in the country, he
hoped the Defense Minister would "take preliminary action".
Sources said the need to change the
uniform of the informants was realized six months ago that they would have to give
an identity from the watch and ward staff. "Marshall is often confused
with other staff, who are on the floor to assist members in his place. He is a
procedural and deputy marshal," the source said.
"The last Foundation is in the
house. The Marshalls fixed themselves. But yes, we consulted with the
NDA." An officer said.
Uniform of Marshal's
Reviewed by Mohit Kumar Rai
November 19, 2019
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